Answered By: Moon Library
Last Updated: Jun 21, 2016     Views: 271

There is a fax machine available for students on the first floor of the library. The copy machine located near the main reference/circulation desk also functions as a fax machine. The machine is free to use, but you need to insert a minimum of ten cents into the machine to start the process. Once the fax is sent it will return the money.  

Or Fax from anywhere...

There are also free faxing services online that you can use anywhere you have an internet connection. If all you want to do is send a fax anywhere in the US or Canada, check out or It's free to send three pages or less and you will get an email confirmation that the fax was sent.

   Note: You will need to scan any physical document into a pdf, doc, or docx file before you can send the document using any online faxing service.